Client Work

 Seattle Opera has been my primary employer for the past several years, working for the technical department as the assistant Projection Designer/Animator.  My responsibility is to create media (original still images, video, 3D animation) used in the cue structure of a show.  We use Adobe Premiere and After Effects CS5, as well as Blender, an open source 3D animation program.  With 6 networked media servors feeding 6 projectors in positions all around the theater we are able to map the stage and scrims with up to four layers of HD video, essentially creating any environment or special effect imaginable!
Original green screen media content for Seattle Opera's 2012 production of Attila.  Animation, modeling, lighting and rendering by Peter Lucier.


Mock-up sheets: textured renders with directors notes and step by step uv-map texturing process.  The barbarian symbol on the fishing boat, the name odabella on the small green dingy, and the red circle symbol on the tanker ship were all specific choices by the director and have different meanings through out the show.

Original chroma keyed media content for Seattle Opera's 2012 production of Don Quichotte.  Animation, modeling, lighting and rendering by Peter Lucier. Blender, Premiere CS5 software used.

Temple with symbols animation for ending sequence in final scene of last act in Seattle Opera's 2012 production of The Magic Flute.

Zodiac embossed silver symbols used in compositing

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